4 Most Common Types of Car Accidents and Collision Repairs
Car accidents are a part of life. And, if you're lucky, you'll only experience a minor fender bender that requires a trip to the Panel beater Mitcham. But, for some people, car accidents can be much more serious, even resulting in death.
There are many different types of car accidents, but some are more common than others.
Here are the 4 most common types of car accidents and what you can do to avoid them:
Front End Collision
A front-end collision is when the front end of your car collides with something. This can happen in any number of ways, but it's usually due to someone turning too sharply or being distracted by something else and hitting you from behind.
The damage caused by a front-end collision varies depending on how hard it was hit and how much force there was exerted on your vehicle.
If you are still driving after this kind of accident, then there's no need for panic—but if either party involved is hurt or had some property damage done, then it's time to get legal help!
You should file a claim with your insurance company apart from contacting the panel beater Mitcham right away so they have time to investigate what happened before making decisions about whether or not they'll cover any damages done during this incident (and also so they know exactly what type).
Rear End Collision
Rear-end collisions are the most common type of car accident. They can be caused by a number of factors, including:
- Improper lane position
- Failure to yield at a stop sign or traffic signal
- Improperly positioned vehicles within a turn lane or intersection
Side Impact Collision
Side impact collisions are the most common type of car accident, accounting for about half of all vehicle collisions.
In these types of accidents, your vehicle collides with another car or truck at a side angle. Side impact collisions can occur when you change lanes without looking and either run a red light or fail to yield at an intersection.
They're also more likely to result in serious injuries than other types of car accidents because they involve both front and rear sides hitting each other at once—and often times it's not clear who was responsible for the collision until after an investigation has been completed (or even if there will be one).
Rollover Accident
A rollover is the most dangerous type of accident, and it's important to know what to do if you're ever in this type of situation. If you find yourself in a rollover accident, first make sure that all passengers are wearing their seat belts and buckle up tightly. Then stay calm and assess the damage to your car.
In cases where occupants have been ejected from their vehicle due to impact with other vehicles or objects on the road (or even trees), they may need medical attention as well as help getting back into their cars so that they can be taken care of by emergency personnel onsite at the scene.
In these instances, it's best not to try helping anyone else unless there is no other way out—and even then, only under direct supervision!
Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the four most common types of car accidents and their repairs. If you have any other questions about car collisions, please feel free to contact a panel beater Mitcham today.
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